Technology Potentially Trillions of Times Faster Than We Have Today

Quantum computing, and the broader quantum information science field is exploding as the promise of this exponential technology is beginning to be realized beyond research labs. Quantum computing is based upon the special properties of quantum mechanics pioneered by Max Planck, Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg in the early 1900's.
Early tests show that quantum computing can provide exponentially more processing power in certain instances, to drive new knowledge and new discoveries. In 2019 Google's 53 Qubit quantum computer Sycamore completed a calculation in 200 seconds that experts believe would take 10,000 years to complete by today's most powerful super computers (IBM Summit and Sierra). 200 seconds! That's 1.5 trillion times faster.
In a game of leap frog Chinese physicists claimed to use a photonic-based quantum computer to perform a calculation in 200 seconds that would take one of today's supercomputer 2.5 billion years to complete.
Not to be outpaced, quantum industry pioneer and leader, IBM published its hardware roadmap to release a 1,121 Qubit machine by 2023 and a plan for million plus Qubit machines in the future. Expect further leaps in advancements in this nascent and expanding market.

To be clear, quantum computers won't replace the ones we use today. They will coexist and complement each other in still to be determined ways. We won't need a quantum computer in our hand or as part of our phone, to run Tik Tok videos, Facebook or average business applications.
However, imagine applying quantum to help fight future pathogens, to prevent future pandemics or treat and cure diseases to keep us healthier and live longer. Using quantum to develop and test vaccines, treatments and cures in days, weeks or months instead of years. In fact, the healthcare and life sciences fields are one of quantum's most promising early use cases.
Imagine too using quantum technology to develop materials and compounds that can attach to carbon to help mitigate global climate change. Or new energy sources that reduce or eliminate our reliance on fossil fuels and its foreign sources. The power of quantum computing will open up a new world of modeling and simulation of complex compounds beyond today's limited ability.
Moore's Law posits that technology's power doubles every two years. Quantum has voided this past measure and is promising a brave new world open to exciting possibilities.